3-Piece Kitchen Glass Storage Canisters Set, 1.6 L, 2.75 L, & 4.6 L
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One and a half centuries ago, before the time of household refrigeration, a Philadelphia tinsmith named John Landis Mason had the vison of creating the ideal home canning jar. First creating the lid and rubber sealing ring, Mason invented and patented a screw-finish canning jar he not-so-surprisingly called the Mason jar. Mason changed the world with his invention by simplifying and improving millions of lives. At Mason Craft & More we set out to create a brand that focuses on simplifying and improving households while celebrating creativity and the unique individuality that shines within each person. We deliver a functional and versatile collection of products that enhances the quality of everyday life. Ranging from multipurpose glass jars to cast iron pans, we encompass iconic vintage style and trusted durability with our diverse collections. Our vast lineup of products can be found in stores far and wide or in cyber-space (like by clicking that “shop” button up there). We believe that our products should serve as a canvas for personal style. From the DIY enthusiast to the college freshman to the busy mom, Mason Craft & More is in your corner.